Tuesday, September 3, 2024

2024 Fall Sunday School GROW class

Dear Patchwork Sisters, 

You are encouraged to attend GROW class from 11:10 am- 12:30 pm after worship service from Sep 8 - Nov 24. 

This fall, we will be offering an all women class (continuing our study of Saul in 1 Samuel in the spring by) studying David in 2 Samuel.. The first class will be next Sunday September 8, meeting in B207-208.

David is known as Israel's greatest king, but he was not a superhero. He had to fight many battles to establish his throne, and when he did become king, he committed murder, adultery, and brought disaster on his family.  He was a man after God's own heart. David depended on God's grace for forgiveness when he stumbled - the same grace that is available to us today.   

A copy of the study guide is encouraged, but not required.